Some weeks later she happened to mention to a friend that if she was to continue being involved with animal work she would need somebody to help her. With the help of tranquilizers and tasty food she managed to catch the dog and took it to the Bahamas Humane Society where unfortunately it had to be put to sleep, but she never forgot that little brown potcake because it was her very first venture into dog catching. Kenning herself, the second award was given to Ms. Maggie Crouch-Thompson and Mr. Julian Jakusz, who call themselves the “Pink Potcake”. The Pink Potcake team is made up these two dedicated animal lovers from England. They have lived in the Bahamas for over 25 years and the Pink Potcake began when many years ago Maggie was driving past the old Montagu Hotel, and there on the wall was a little brown potcake, but to her horror one of its front legs was almost completely severed and hanging on a small thread. Betty Kenning gave to the animals of the Bahamas, and during the years she served selflessly as President of the Bahamas Humane Society Board. This award was created in recognition of the wonderful dedicated service Mrs. Before Christmas the Bahamas Humane Society awarded the first ever “Betty Kenning B-Humane Awards”.